Yara Sarah, MA., BCBA

Hi there and welcome! My name is Yara and I am a Health Coach utilizing my profession in Behavior Analysis to empower others to live a healthy lifestyle.

I started my health journey in 2018 when I joined a fitness bootcamp. I learned to discipline myself and built the habit of working out. My journey wasn't smooth, I went from periods of eating super clean to binge eating episodes. I became tired of the constant, “All or nothing” mentality.

I wanted to find joy throughout my entire Health journey. 

On January 5th, 2020, I began to find my freedom. I started a public Instagram page @datanotdiets in which I shared my health journey. Through my transparency, I realized that I was not only holding myself accountable, but inspiring others to do the same.

I connected to a community with shared values around health and nutrition.

I have always been passionate about helping and teaching others. Empowering others empowers me! I am fueled by watching other women learn, grow, and thrive. The power of community inspires me.


Ironically, the same year I began to find freedom, I found out I had a fibroid on my uterus that needed to be removed by surgery. There is not a lot of research regarding fibroids and where they come from. I connected with many women via Instagram who have or had fibroids as well; I knew I was not alone. Removing my fibroid kick started a motivation in me to be the best I can be for my future self.

I began to work on connection and listening to my body and building healthy habits.

Through my Instagram journey, I also connected with an entire community of Behavior Analysts who utilize the science of behavior in health and nutrition and my vision became clear.

I am motivated to use my KNOWLEDGE and experience to help my clients learn to use data around their nutrition, movement, and behavioral patterns to implement meaningful change in their lives like I did in mine. 

I have 8 years of professional experience working directly with a range of clients — from individuals who have developmental disabilities and their caretakers, to health-conscious individuals committed to making a lifestyle change.

I have used the science of behavior to fuel my own personal growth as well as seen first-hand how data has helped my clients become more connected to their body, discover their values, and be empowered to implement change in their lives.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from California State University of Northridge and a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from Ball State University. In addition, I became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Association of Sports and Fitness (NASM).

I would like to welcome you again, as I believe you are here because you, yourself are on a health journey or are ready to begin one. 
It's never too late, the time is always now.

I can't wait to learn more about you, share my knowledge, and help you find your freedom!