What my clients are saying:


“Working with Coach Yara actually changed my life! Through collecting data and holding myself accountable, I was able to change my lifestyle around completely and understand what my body needed and what it was capable of. But most importantly, she helped me understand my thought process when it came to my health. This wasn’t just about my physical activity and nutrition, this was about my mental state as well. I’ve tried so many fad diets in the past, and worked out on and off my whole life and it seemed like I was always starting over. With the help of Coach Yara, I was able to build new lifestyle habits without feeling like I was depriving myself of anything. I can genuinely say that I’ve enjoyed my journey and there is no turning back for me. I’ve been able to reach some weight loss goals and maintain a healthy balance with a sustainable way of living. I am forever grateful to her for the help I never knew I needed.”

- L.V.

“From a young age, I struggled with my relationship with food. Oftentimes I would have an “all or nothing” mentality, which impacted my day-to-day eating and perspective on life. Yara has been able to snap me out of that all or nothing mentality and celebrate the little victories. Those little victories are what’s changing my view on what a healthy lifestyle means. There needs to be balance, but there also needs to be accountability. Yara has held me accountable, but also helped me realize that not all goals fit everyone. She has personalized my goals to make sure I am able achieve them. Yara has been so helpful and patient throughout this journey. I appreciate her taking the time to understand me and make sure that I stay on track week after week.”

- C.D.

“I already learned a lot after working with Yara for a couple of weeks. She taught me about understanding my habits and relationship with food. I logged what I ate everyday, whether I’m feeling hungry or not, and my moods throughout the day. I think that helped me a lot because I saw the bad habits I had with not eating, or forcing myself to eat when I’m not hungry, and it opened my eyes to a new perspective on listening to my body and what my body needed. Yara worked alongside me, giving me the tips and tools on creating a healthier lifestyle. Not just with food, but relationship with people through social connections, working out, managing my stress levels, and just helping me fully better myself. I am beyond grateful to Yara for the knowledge she shared with me and the habits that she instilled in me to live a healthier life. Thank you Yara, for taking the time to help me out. I would definitely recommend for people to reach out to you so they can also gain the experience and knowledge that I now have.”

- K.B.

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